Which ‘Camp Camp’ Character Are You?
Set in the quirky universe of Camp Campbell, "Camp Camp" is an animated series that showcases an eclectic mix of campers and their equally unique counselors. From the overly enthusiastic David to the tech-savvy Neil and the always conspiring Max, each character brings their own flavor to the campsite's wild adventures. Ever wondered which "Camp Camp" character you're most like? Do you possess Gwen's sarcasm, or do you relate more to Nikki's wild spirit? Dive deep into this fun quiz to discover your Camp Camp alter ego! Ready to embark on this adventure? Scroll down and hit that Start button!
About "Camp Camp" in a few words:
"Camp Camp" is an American animated web series created by Miles Luna and Jordan Cwierz. The story revolves around the misadventures of a group of campers and their counselors at the dysfunctional Camp Campbell. The series uniquely blends comedy with moments of heart, often exploring the characters' backstories and relationships, amidst the backdrop of zany camp activities and outlandish events.
How it works:
- We will ask 20 questions about you.
- There are many possible answers, you must choose only one.
- Answer all questions and find out which 'Camp Camp' character are you!