Little Witch Academia: Which Character Are You?
Welcome to the "Which Little Witch Academia Character Are You?" quiz! This beloved anime series follows the adventures of Akko Kagari, a young witch attending the Luna Nova Magical Academy. Alongside her friends, Sucy and Lotte, Akko navigates the ups and downs of school life while also pursuing her dream of becoming a great witch like her idol, Shiny Chariot. Each character in the series has a unique personality and magical ability, and this quiz will help you discover which Little Witch Academia character you are most like! So, are you ready to find out? Scroll down and click the Start button to begin the quiz!
About "Little Witch Academia" in a few words:
Little Witch Academia is a delightful anime series that combines the wonder of magic with the excitement of school life. The show follows Akko Kagari, a young witch who dreams of becoming like her idol, the legendary witch Shiny Chariot. Despite lacking natural talent, Akko's determination and bravery lead her to form close friendships with her fellow witches Sucy and Lotte, and together they navigate the challenges of school life while also battling dangerous magical creatures. With its charming characters, magical setting, and heartwarming themes of friendship and perseverance, Little Witch Academia is a must-watch for fans of anime and fantasy.
How it works:
- We will ask 20 questions about you.
- There are many possible answers, you must choose only one.
- Answer all questions and find out which Little Witch Academia character are you!